Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Alex Bass

Producer, Drummer, Bassman - Bongoroll (TWO STONES RECORDS)

Specialized in JAMAICAN MUSIC (Ska, Rocksteady, Reggae, Roots, Rockers, Rub-a-dub, Dub & Dancehall)

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Producer  - Cory Stearns


Music Producer based out of Los Angeles.

Composer, Songwriter, Producer - Naoto Fukuoka

I'm a Freelance Composer actively based in New York, with a wide variety of genre of sounds, from film music (Sound tracks) to Pop music, has engaged as composer, arranger, and programmer.

Artist Developer - Chris Cuben-Tatum

Few have more experience, fewer still have done so much for so many.

Producer, Performer, DJ - raiamanta

A music nerd. Plain and simple. Dropped a stable career as a college teacher to become a musician, and have been, since then, taking the job of polishing timbres and uncovering the pureness of sound in the best way I can. I take a lot of pride in the little things, and the job I deliver is a reflection of the way I see music - bliss, harmony.

 - Lizzie Walker

I am a singer/songwriter in LA, I have been singing my whole life and I play the acoustic guitar, ukulele and piano. I love to make honest and intimate music.

Remote mixing and mastering - Abara!

Professional, fast and cheap mixing and mastering

audio engineer  - blue skied an' clear

Audio Engineer specializing in lo-fi aesthetics. Want your track to sound shittier? Then look no further!

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