
Music Producer+Mixing+Master

HarrellDean on SoundBetter

Need help composing, editing, and producing a song? Or need your song mixed and mastered? Harrell Dean Music can help bring your music to life! I'll even add some live drums to your music if you'd like! Whatever your musical needs are, I'll work with you get you a finished song!

With over 20 years experience as a musician/drummer, I'll put in the work to make sure you have music that's sonically pleasing to the ear of your audience.

I'm also a verified artist on Spotify. Check out my new album, Harrell D. On the Track! for examples of my productions. It was recorded in my home studio using FL20, Midi keyboard, and a microphone. :)

Tell me what you need and we'll work together to make sure you're happy with your music on the other end. Whether you need help composing, editing a song, or need simple mixing and mastering, I can be of service!

Send me an email through 'Contact' button above and I'll get back to you asap.