Mixing and Mastering Your Hit!

2 Reviews
HAYDEN on SoundBetter

You want your project to sound just like the biggest artists in the world, and I want to be the one to make it happen. Hi there, my name is HAYDEN.

Now I'm sure your expecting to hear about all the nominations I've received, the fancy studios I've recorded in, and to list off all the A-list talent that wouldn't even have careers if I didn't mix there songs - but I'm not going to say those things.

In reality, I was like many 17 year old kids, graduating High School with no idea what they wanted to do with their lives. So I went to university, and quickly realized that I was going through the motions, not enjoying my life, and longing to follow my passion, music. So after one year I dropped out of school and devoted all of my time to learning and creating the best music that I could possible make. Now after many nights in my car trying get the perfect mix, missing parties to try out my new plugins, and spending hundreds of hours confused about how to fix the easiest of problems, I am ready to work with and help you with your project.

I am a mixing and mastering engineer, as well as an artist myself. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me, and we can talk about your project.

Click the 'Contact' above to get in touch. Looking forward to hearing from you.

2 Reviews

Endorse HAYDEN
  1. Review by Sarah
    by Sarah

    I’ve been working with Hayden for almost 2 years. He has really helped me with my music and always been so supportive! If you want someone who genuinely cares (and is super talented) - Hayden is it! ❤

  2. Review by Luke Cullis
    by Luke Cullis

    Me and hayden have been making music together forever and you have no idea how much time he puts in and how much he cares about music. He’ll make you sound amazing I promise.

Interview with HAYDEN

  1. Q: What do you like most about your job?

  2. A: I like that I get to do what I love everyday. I mean that's what everyone strives for right? Find what you're good at, then find a way to make money doing it. Although now with Soundbetter the game has changed. Being from a small town my circle is small, and although I love the people I have learned from and worked with in my area, I'm deeply excited that now I get to work with and help artists from all around the world and make my circle much, much bigger.

  3. Q: What advice do you have for a customer looking to hire a provider like you?

  4. A: The only advice I would give is do research and don't spend money that you don't have. Music is an expensive game. Studio time, equipment and software can all take huge take huge tolls on your wallet, and unfortunately a lot of those expenses can not be avoided. But when looking for a provider on Soundbetter, I urge you to not spend large sums of money to work with providers just because of their credits. There are many young, up-and-coming engineers that will provide you with sound you are looking for a price much closer to your budget. EXPENSIVE doesn't mean QUALITY. CREDITS don't mean THE BEST.

  5. Q: Analog or digital and why?

  6. A: Digital. The only reason why is because I've never had the pleasure of working on analog gear. I started recording music when I was 15, which means I had a very limited amount of funds at my disposal. Thats where I think digital does definitely get a leg up on analog gear, because with how amazing technology is, anyone can make amazing sounding products with a laptop, a good set of ears and some knowledge. I think that as long as you're making music and having fun it doesn't matter what you use to do it.

  7. Q: What are you working on at the moment?

  8. A: I am really focusing on my own music actually. Over the years I've been obsessed with learning about how to make the best sounding music I can possibly make, which means my sound has changed so much over time. Right now my musical focus is making things that make you want to move and dance, making my own style of R&B. You can find me on Apple Music and Spotify by searching 'HAYDEN'.

Don't Weep - Nico TK

I was the Mixing and Mastering Engineer in this production

Terms Of Service

Mix and Master rate includes up to 3 revisions. Additional revisions billed at $10 per. Typical turnaround is 7 days or less for a single song.

GenresSounds Like
  • Khalid
  • Ariana Grande
  • Shawn Mendes
Gear Highlights
  • Logic Pro X
  • UAD Apollo Twin MKII DUO Audio Interface
  • Neumann TLM 103 Condensor Microphone
  • Rhode NT1-A Condensor Microphone
  • KRK Rokit 6 Studio Monitors
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