SoundBetter Tracks

License hand-picked tracks & beats from top industry producers
Find a track you love, write a topline and release your song
Exclusive licenses for commercial release

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    • SoundBetter - Avid
    • SoundBetter - Resolution Magazine
    • SoundBetter - Billboard
    • SoundBetter - PSN Europe
    • SoundBetter - TechCrunch
    • SoundBetter - EMI
    • SoundBetter - BMG
    • SoundBetter - Kobalt
    • SoundBetter - PremiumBeat
    • SoundBetter - Sony Music
    • SoundBetter - The Voice
    • SoundBetter - Universal Music
    • SoundBetter - Warner Music
    • SoundBetter - American Songwriter

    SoundBetter Tracks FAQ

    • chevron_rightWhat is SoundBetter Tracks?

      Tracks is a one-stop shop where you can discover and license curated original tracks and beats by top producers.
      Much of today’s pop music is produced by toplines being written to pre-made tracks.
      At SoundBetter we work with some of the world’s top producers, and we are now making their tracks accessible to you, for easy discovery and licensing for your release.
      Never before has it been this easy to license curated beats and tracks from producers of this caliber.
      No more anxiety of hiring a producer to create custom tracks for you from scratch, hoping they will hit the mark.
      Choose a track you love from the comfort of your home, license it easily, write and record a topline and release your song.

    • chevron_rightWho is Tracks for?

      SoundBetter Tracks is for signed as well as independent artists who are looking for great tracks to write toplines to for commercial release.

    • chevron_rightWhat’s the difference between SoundBetter Tracks and other music libraries?

      Most music libraries provide tracks for video creators to use as-is for commercials or other video.
      SoundBetter Tracks is for musicians who want to write an original topline (vocal melody and lyrics) to a pre-existing track and to release the final song as their own.
      If you are a music supervisor and want to license a track for sync as-is (without adding a topline to it),contact us

    • chevron_rightWhat’s the difference between SoundBetter Tracks and other beat stores?

      1. SoundBetter Tracks are curated for quality, so you don’t have to sift through thousands of tracks hoping to find something good.
      2. While some beat stores focus heavily on Hip Hop, Tracks focuses on all genres with strong commercial potential, including Pop, EDM, Hip Hop and more.
      3. When you license a track from SoundBetter Tracksyou don’t need to pay the producer anything beyond the licensing fee.Depending on which license you choose, you might need to include the producer as a co-writer if you register the derivative song with a PRO, but that’s it. No accounting, reporting or payouts.

    • chevron_rightWhat are the licensing options?

      Non Exclusive - For limited run releases, demos and promotional use. Licensed by multiple artists.
      See license for details
      Exclusive - For commercial releases. Track will be removed from store as soon as it is licensed. If you register derivative work with a PRO, the Producer should be designated as recipient of 50% of public performance royalties. These royalties will be collected and distributed by the PROs, so you don’t have to do any accounting, reporting or additional payouts. You own the master of the derivative work.
      See license for details
      Buyout - For commercial releases. Track will be removed from store as soon as it is licensed. No need to register the producer as co-writer with a PRO, so all potential public performance royalties can be yours. No other payouts are due to Producer. No accounting, reporting or additional payouts to the producer. You own the master of the derivative work.
      See license for details

    • chevron_rightDo I need to pay the producer anything besides the licensing fee?

      Nope. That’s the beauty.
      No requirement for accounting, reporting or payouts to the producer.
      Depending on the license you choose, if you register the derivative work with a PRO you may need to designate the producer as recipient of 50% of public performance royalties. The PRO will collect and distribute the royalties to the producer so you don’t have to.
      Keep 100% of master royalties for the derivative work.

    • chevron_rightCan I release the track commercially?

      Yes, you can release the track commercially once you add a topline to it (vocals and lyrics).
      Please see thedetails of the non-exclusive, exclusive and buyout licenses.

    • chevron_rightCan I get a refund on a track I purchased?

      Since tracks are digital goods, and since licenses are executed with track purchase, there are no refunds on tracks purchases, as is stated in the license terms.