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House Ukulele in house
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Passion for Music Composing, Mixing And Mastering
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Professional studio recorded guitars from strumming to fingerstyle (acoustic, electric, nylon, steel, bass, ukulele) in such genres as indie rock, pop rock, acoustic music, rock, indie, folk, funk.
Professional Mixing & Mastering Engineer here to give your recordings power, energy and clarity. I specialize in mixing & mastering within the rock, metal, pop, and country realm. I know how to get your track sounding absolutely next level so it can compete in todays industry. Keep your royalties, as anything I do will be "work-for-hire".
Need a good vocalist for a Hip Hop or R & B song? I can sing and I can rap, as seen on my songs like "Sleepless". I make a great feature for any vibe.
12 years of experience producing, mixing, and composing music. Listen to my DEMOS to confirm the quality of my work.
Ganadores a Grammy con : Forajido EP - Christian Nodal (Composición Aguardiente) Si estas buscando un sonido actual en cuanto a producción y composición, estamos listos para hacerlos real Nuestro sonido está basado en la mezcla del reggaeton vieja escuela y la música electronica, mas las infuencias que tenemos de los demás generos
Mason D'oso is a seasoned mixing and mastering engineer passionate about sculpting soundscapes. Equipped with top-notch industry-standard equipment, he uses leading Digital Audio Workstations like ProTools, Logic Pro, Ableton Live, and Fruity Loops to create immersive auditory experiences.
Recent Successes
"Really good voice and flow! "
"Camilo is a wonderful mastering engineer. He works until you are happy and is always open to feedback and change."
"Erika is a big time singer, who is coming into her own. We are all lucky we have the opportunity to work with her here on SoundBetter for the time being, because she won't be here for long. She also is a great communi..."
"Declan has produced the goods, once again in his professional manner. Looking forward to doing the Jazz album with him. Cheers"
"Yianni delivered top results for my 2nd and 3rd songs I have hired him for. He is understanding and flexible of all the changes I request, and I always know I'll have a great mix at the end. Onto the next one!"
"As usual, Adam at Mount Olympia Mastering is THE MAN! He knows how to tame your song and make it ready to be the next radio ready hit! Would recommend him for amazing mastering!"