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merlo Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Merlo
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I am a Berlin based producer, mixer, writer and sound designer specialising in a variety of electronic based music.
Wassup! My name is Trevion “Tempo” Gold. Songwriter/Vocalist.. I've written for artists like J.Lo, T.I., Robin Thicke, CeeLo & many more. I am also an ASCAP Television Music Award winner for my vocal work on dozens of television shows. 4 years ago I started a company called G.O.A.T. Fuel, and have scaled it to $10 million annually. Let's build!
As a producer, recording and mixing engineer, Matt has, and continues to work with ensembles across many diverse styles of music, from period ensembles of the Renaissance and Baroque, to contemporary tango, punk, metal, choir, and traditional and modern classical.
Up & Coming songwriter who is willing to work hard to make your dreams come true
Krissy can offer a unique perspective and ear for composition, songwriting, arrangement, production, and mixing. She brings Masters degree level academic and professional experience to her work in almost any genre imaginable and can take your musical vision to a new level of originality and excitement. Visit her website: https://krissanthemum.com
I produce dreamy guitar-based pop music for recording artists and sync sound. Recently, a track of my mine received placement in the film RUN HIDE FIGHT, which premiered at Venice Film Festival 2020. I can write your song, produce your song, mix your song, and master your song... or I can just play guitar:)
Sound is the most overlooked aspect in production, but it is the most impactful. Located in Chicago, Signature Music & Production, LLC, is a multi-purpose production company that specializes in creative sound, music and location solutions for all industries within Arts and Entertainment.
I have carried out more than 20 musical projects, thus becoming part of them in the field of production, interpretation and composition.
Recent Successes
"There's a reason I continue to use Marcello every time. He's professional, quick and remarkably talented. At this point, I consider him a friend and partner in crime for all my projects with vocals."
"Very good producer i have make many works with him. Instrumentals he can make perfectly how i want!! I had many producers here on soundbetter. he have quality in beats and remakes!!! "
"Me and Quincy have been working on this project for a minute thanks to me. He was very patient with me and was ready to work once i caught up with life. The way he rights is addictive and catchy Once you hear the song..."
"James is an outstanding mastering engineer. His attention to detail and sense of collaboration is unparalleled. On top of that, his rates are very competitive for this caliber of work. I will absolutely continue worki..."
"Joe has very good taste and efficiency,really help us a lot! Hope we can do more work together!"
"Fabian was very polite, communicated clearly and took good care with the music I needed mastering for. I think next time I will focus on getting the best possible match for a reference track as I think I sent him in a..."
"Derran gave my track life!!! Amazing vocals and the ultimate professional!! He saw/heard my vision and delivered a flawless track...hands down, he is definitely one of my favorite Soundbetter vocalists!! Looking forw..."
"Ryan absolutely killed it with his trumpet lines on my jazz house record. Super recommended!"