Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Steve Heimbecker

 - Luigi Agostini

3D audio, spatialization and soundscape compositions for theater, live concerts, cinema (BD-DVD), fixed and temporary installations. Custom softwares and algorithms creation. Luigi works in professional audio market since 1989, when he created the PLAID recording studio with D. Persi Paoli. It was one of the firsts digital recording studios in Ita

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 - Hakan Altinisik

Hi I'm Hakan and ı love the bass guitars and nowaday earning money my rehearsal rooms job, also write music at home... :)

Producer, Mixer, and Bassist - Chris Jacobie

Produced and mixed Indie artists such as Penny and Sparrow, Ryvoli, Duncan Fellows, and Matthew Pinder. Recorded bass for many producers/engineers including Malcolm Burn (Emmylou Harris, Patty Griffin, Patti Smith) and Jeff Peters (The Beach Boys, Grandaddy, Broken Bells)

Crafting that hit song melody - Mark London

What makes a person desire creativity? For me it was a family atmosphere which fostered creative growth and a "sky's-the-limit" mentality. My father was a radio DJ who flooded the house with all types of music, conditioning my ear at a very young age to appreciate many different genres. Music make my soul breathe- Let's create something special!

Versatile Vocalist+Musician - Cat Madden

2yrs diploma in Music + 3yrs degree in Vocal Performance in London, UK. Experience with harmony + theory, song-writing, singing in ensemble, rhythm, reading + writing, on-stage performance and recording.

Record Producer / Mix & Sound  - Lawrence Mace

Providing you a sound that is warm, nostalgic, original and always approached with a timeless feel

Musiproducer, Guitarist,  - Naadz

Unique and fresh HQ sound. Hip hop, trap, reggaeton, latin pop and EDM. Beats like Travis Scott, Drake, Future, Bad Bunny, Anuel AA, JBalvin, Lunay, etc.

Producer, Singer & Songwriter - geesi fu

Bring life and dynamic back to your music! Besides a good mix, the most important thing to me is to capture the emotion of a song and highlight the unique sound of an artist.

Videogames' Composer and Mixer - Daniele Coppola

Specialized in symphonic orchestration for videogames and entertainment media. Expert in mixing and producing a large variety of music genres.

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