Ria Ren

Jazz/Rnb/Pop singer

Ria Ren on SoundBetter

A skillful singer with a strong, warm low range and a gentle and soft high range with professional vocal coaching and music teaching behind me along with experience in collaborations online (on bandlab) and in real life with bands. I am also a songwriter who preforms at local music venues.

I am a session singer and a songwriter/lyric writer.

I am stronger in the areas of singing lower/mid range notes but can also reach higher notes.
My voice has been described as very unique and "stylistic" as I include vibrato at times as well as small runs and trills.
Overall my voice has a lot of warmth and depth as well as character. In my higher register some say I am soft and angelic sounding.
I can sing most genres but my voice is more suited to styles such as; Soul, Rnb, Jazz, Pop (old or new) and Alternative/Indie.

As I am also a songwriter I can also provide lyrics and melodies as well as chords as I can play the guitar. I have previously made songs of my own so have a basic understanding of composition too.

I have had experience in live preformances in venues and open mics with crowds of about 20-40 people. I am currently studying vocal artistry at a college and have worked with people there to create music. Finally, I am also releasing music on bandlab and have collaborated with people on there too - I am very time efficent and hard working so will make sure to get the work done if there's a time frame.

Music is powerful! Can't wait to make some waves!

Send me an email through 'Contact' button above and I'll get back to you asap.



  • English

Interview with Ria Ren

  1. Q: What's your 'promise' to your clients?

  2. A: I will deliver on time and will be an amazing communicator. I will never cancel a task unless it is vocally impossible and will sound profesional.

  3. Q: What do you like most about your job?

  4. A: I love doing what I love which is singing and creating melodies and new ideas that are going out into the world.

  5. Q: What's the biggest misconception about what you do?

  6. A: People think that wanting to become a musician is a real job however I disagree and feel as like if someone really puts their heart and soul into this career and will never give up, the opportunites are endless.

  7. Q: If you were on a desert island and could take just 5 pieces of gear, what would they be?

  8. A: 1- microphone 2- computer 3- interface 4- cable 5- headphones

  9. Q: What was your career path? How long have you been doing this?

  10. A: I am relatively young (17) so have not been doing this for a long time - maybe 3 years or so. I am currently studying music in which we learn about vocals and music artistry. My goal is to become a big music artist while remaining a mystery.

  11. Q: How would you describe your style?

  12. A: I'd say my style as a musician is quite vintage and classy however also contemporary as I mix between sounding quite soulful and jazz to sounding very loud and stylistic. It feels as if 2 different world combine to create me.

  13. Q: Which artist would you like to work with and why?

  14. A: I would love to work with sade due to her dreamy vocals as I feel as if our voices would blend well together. I also love her aura and energy she gives of through her music as I find it moving and emotional.

  15. Q: Can you share one music production tip?

  16. A: Make sure to play the song through different speakers such as car speakers/headphones/monitors so you know how it sounds.

  17. Q: What type of music do you usually work on?

  18. A: I work on Jazz music a lot as well as some bossa nova and Rnb. I also sing on indie tracks sometimes and when I make music of my own the genre tends to be Rnb/Jazz/alternative/dream pop music.

  19. Q: What's your strongest skill?

  20. A: My strongest skill would be my voice as it is something I am working on every day and have been training for years.

  21. Q: What do you bring to a song?

  22. A: I am like a seasoning for a song - I bring depth, warmth and beauty. I feel as if I add character and emotion to a song when singing and can take the listener on a journey.

  23. Q: What's your typical work process?

  24. A: When making a song I start with lyrics and then move onto production - If I feel as if the production matches the vibe of the lyrics I will come up with melody ideas and eventually sing on the track and use different tracks till I get the right take. When singing for other producers I listen to the track a few times and then write down lyrical ideas. I then experiement with melodies and will record one I like.

  25. Q: Tell us about your studio setup.

  26. A: I work in my bedroom most of the time with a condensor mic (marrantz proffesional) which is connected to my interface (behringer). My work is done on my computer and sometimes I will plug in my mini keyboard when doing production.

  27. Q: What other musicians or music production professionals inspire you?

  28. A: The Weeknd is very inspiring to me as a music artist due to his versatility in genres and his unique vibrato esque vocals as well as his creativity and visionary mind. An artist I am also inspired by vocally is Ella fitzgerald because of the way she can switch between head and chest voice as well has her vocal trills. Julie London is another inspiration to me vocally due to her low, sultry vocals.

  29. Q: Describe the most common type of work you do for your clients.

  30. A: I tend to do vocals for people who would like to like to collaborate with me however in the past I have written chords and lyrics for people as well as given melody ideas to people.


Terms Of Service

I allow as many revisions as necessary and will typically deliver vocals in 2/3 weeks, deliver lyrics in a 1/2 weeks, deliver chord 1/2 weeks and programmed drums in a week. Costs are £10 - £30

GenresSounds Like
  • The Weeknd
  • Ella Fitzgerald
  • Lana Del Rey
Gear Highlights
  • Marrantz professional condensor mic
  • behringer interface
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