Fabian Bien

Composer | Sound Designer

Fabian Bien on SoundBetter

Hello there! I'm a music composer, producer and sound designer from Düsseldorf, Germany! I've worked on a variety of different projects, mainly focused on advertising / brand audio in the electronic music field. I also have experience in more abstract orchestral composition and music for short films. Looking forward to working with you.


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Interview with Fabian Bien

  1. Q: Analog or digital and why?

  2. A: Both have their advantages, so why choose one or the other?

  3. Q: What was your career path? How long have you been doing this?

  4. A: I have a career in filmmaking (as a Cinematographer / Editor) as well as in music production (as a composer / sound designer and solo-artist).

  5. Q: What type of music do you usually work on?

  6. A: Mainly electronic music, ranging from ambient over to techno and orchestral fusion.

  7. Q: What do you bring to a song?

  8. A: I can bring a certain atmosphere and vibe to a song / film, that will take your listeners and viewers to a different place.

  9. Q: Tell us about your studio setup.

  10. A: My studio setup includes several hardware synthesizers as well as drum machines, all connected and ready to go. I'm usually utilizing a hybrid approach to things, keeping the quickness of hardware and the recallability of software tools!

  11. Q: What other musicians or music production professionals inspire you?

  12. A: Inspiration comes from a variety of different genres for me - but I feel mainly at home with electronic acts like Daft Punk, Moderat or Boards of Canada.

  13. Q: Describe the most common type of work you do for your clients.

  14. A: Composition & Sound Design

Music | Sound Design for a fashion commercial

I was the Composer | Sound Designer in this production

Terms Of Service

Depending on the projects complexity, turn-around times are 1 - 5 days. Each project includes up to 3 revisions. Additional revisions will be charged extra according to the project specific Rates.

GenresSounds Like
  • Moderat
  • Boards of Canada
Gear Highlights
  • Sequential Prophet Rev2
  • Moog Mother 32
  • Korg MS20 Mini
  • Elektron Digitakt
  • NI Maschine MK3
  • Arturia 8Pre
  • G&L JB2 Bass Guitar
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