
Music Producer & keyboardist

Hiram on SoundBetter

Music Instructor, Keys player for Jesus Culture Sacramento

Music producer and musician living in Sacramento CA specializing in pop, electronic, worship and contemporary sounds. Attended Instituto Canzion and Pinnacle college for my music and production training. I've recently released my first single "No Tengo Miedo" as Buho Nerdo, my artist name to start getting my composition game stronger.

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Interview with Hiram

  1. Q: Tell us about a project you worked on you are especially proud of and why. What was your role?

  2. A: My latest song "No Tengo Miedo" this song is 100% me. I wrote it, produced it and completed the song myself. It is the start of my journey in music.

  3. Q: What are you working on at the moment?

  4. A: My own songs. Really want to explore songwriting and fully producing my own songs.

  5. Q: Analog or digital and why?

  6. A: digital, because you can carry it with you anywhere.

  7. Q: What's your 'promise' to your clients?

  8. A: This vocals and editing will be ready for mixing without any further adjustment.

  9. Q: What do you like most about your job?

  10. A: That I get to hear new music all the time and learn from the producer that made the track.

  11. Q: What questions do customers most commonly ask you? What's your answer?

  12. A: How much? Can you have it done by tomorrow? What if I have more vocals like harmonies? Really depends on the length of the song. Anything beyond lead vocals will be at an extra cost.

  13. Q: What's the biggest misconception about what you do?

  14. A: That tuning a vocal and comping it is a breeze. This is hard work. Really takes time and is very tedious work.

  15. Q: What questions do you ask prospective clients?

  16. A: What's my deadline? This is what I can do in that time

  17. Q: If you were on a desert island and could take just 5 pieces of gear, what would they be?

  18. A: My laptop, my lacie hard drive, QuNexus, Acoustic Guitar and a SM57

  19. Q: What was your career path? How long have you been doing this?

  20. A: I work full time in an office but I would love to be in music full time. I've been working in the studio for about 6 years.

  21. Q: How would you describe your style?

  22. A: mellow pop/ electronic pop

  23. Q: Which artist would you like to work with and why?

  24. A: Lauv because I really connect with his production style. I love his melodies and would like to pick his brain and watch him create a song from start to finish.

  25. Q: Can you share one music production tip?

  26. A: Before you start tuning vocals, put a compressor that is very exaggerated. This will help you hear unwanted noice like weird breathing or lip movement that will later bother you in the mix.

  27. Q: What type of music do you usually work on?

  28. A: pop, worship music.

  29. Q: What's your strongest skill?

  30. A: Organized work, labeling, organizing. Very critical in every detail.

  31. Q: What do you bring to a song?

  32. A: Simplicity, and order.

  33. Q: What's your typical work process?

  34. A: Listen to the song completely, then I like to grab my guitar to know the chord progression and after that I edit, or start creating.

  35. Q: Tell us about your studio setup.

  36. A: Home studio out of my laptop (MacBook pro) mainly use ableton live 10 with plugins like arturia's V collection. Have an upright piano, acoustic guitar and a korg minilogue as my out of the box real instruments.

  37. Q: What other musicians or music production professionals inspire you?

  38. A: Zedd, Charlie Puth, Lauv. Any Artist that produces its own music.

  39. Q: Describe the most common type of work you do for your clients.

  40. A: Vocal comping and tuning

Gear Highlights
  • Melodyne
  • Ableton Live
  • Arturia Vol 5
  • Korg Minilogue
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