Tom Bishop


Tom Bishop on SoundBetter

I'm a producer, multi-instrumentalist and mix engineer based in the UK. I have over 10 years of Production and Mixing experience, specializing in Alternative, Pop, Rock and EDM music. I can record most instruments from my fully Analog studio to suit your track!

If you have a song idea, demo or just some lyrics I am here to bring your ideas alive.

I can play Drums, Bass, Guitar and Keyboards and record everything through a Neve VR console to get that Analog sound! I run Pro Tools HD where we have the chance to add any textures and layers to make the perfect record.

I have been a Producer and Engineer now for the last 10 years and have recorded songs for Climax Blues Band, Martin Simpson, Honey Ryder and many more

If it’s anything from a drum track you need or a full produced track then get in touch and we can start creating some great music

Send me a note through the contact button above.


Gear Highlights
  • Neve VR-36
  • Neve 1081s
  • Manley Massive Passive
  • Flea 47
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