cairo Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with CAIRO!

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Recording, Mixing+Mastering. - MOJO Recording Studio

Hi , My name is Matt aka Mojo. I have 15 years experience in the audio field about 7 professionally. Im the behind the scenes " go to " guy.

session bass, music producer - fanfant thierry

I play bass, double bass, percussion, guitar, I'm also an arranger and musical producer. Sound, Groove, Time, Musicality, Experience

Electronic Musician - Jo Control

I used to organize parties in the Chicago queer underground club scene. I make my own synth/tech/house beats, write songs, can mix & comp for hours, and I SOMETIMES sing.

mixing and mastering - Roberto

one day!

Vocals, Arranging, Recording - Pablanie

Being musicians and performers for over 20 years, we’ve accumulated experience to put music to ideas, reinvent

Music Producer, Music Mixer - UNIFIXx

I've been accomplishing objectives ever since I was five, not gonna stop at fourteen.

Canvas + Visual Artist - ZP Visuals

I love creating art that helps bring music to life!

Trusted Editing Service - Edu Helpers Hub

Edu Helpers Hub is a trusted editing and proofreading service.

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